善缘医院 The Good Karma Hospital
ITV's new six-part medical drama is set in a coastal town in tropical South India, the series tells the story of British-Asian junior doctor, Ruby Walker, played by Amrita Acharia (Game of Thrones), who arrives at the run-down Good Karma Hospital to join a dedicated team of over-worked medics.
Run by a gloriously eccentric Englishwoman, Lydia Fonseca, played by acclaimed British actress Amanda Redman, this under-funded but creatively resourceful cottage hospital is the beating heart of the local community. It’s much more than just a medical outpost - it’s a home. ——转自 ITV 电视台该剧官网
非常好看的一部剧,偶尔在视频网站上发现的,一口气看完~ 超级喜欢里面的Lydia!这个年纪,依然让人觉得美丽,可爱,野性,性感,即便有疤痕又如何?自信的女人最美!~笑起来跟小孩一样,特别可爱~“”不爱你的男人就像狗皮膏药,撕了他也就疼一秒!“”哈哈哈,台词经典搞笑~~强推!!
在第3集出现之前,这剧值得4颗星水准。迷人的印度风光,现代化医疗设备严重缺乏下印度贫困底层人民的挣扎,以出生在英国的印度新移民为主角,反思了许多。然而第3集之后编剧就把持不住往充满套路的伦理剧情走, 浪费了一个好题材。
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善缘医院The Good Karma Hospital S01 第一季合集 720P 风骨... 9.18G | 百度网盘 |
善缘医院The Good Karma Hospital S01 第一季合集 720P 风骨字幕组 9.18G | 百度网盘 |